Meet Your Coach

Hi, I’m Emily! I’m a certified ADHD coach and I would absolutely love to work with you.

I was diagnosed with ADHD in my 30s after spending much of my life constantly asking myself “what is wrong with me?”

I was always losing track of time, failing to finish projects, misplacing my things, forgetting to respond to texts and emails, missing appointments, scrambling at the last moment, procrastinating on just about everything, feeling overwhelmed by all the things I had to do…the list goes on and on. It just always felt like I was a mess and could never get my act together. It wasn’t that I was completely failing at life, but it did feel like everyone else seemed to effortlessly be doing all the things I was struggling with.

As I began to learn more about ADHD and all the ways it affects me, everything started to make sense. So many of the things about myself I thought were character flaws were actually related to ADHD.

When I finally realized, “this is it! It’s ADHD!” (after months of going down the research rabbit hole) I began looking into getting a coach. I knew I needed support and that support HAD to come from someone who TRULY understood me.

I still remember my first session and just thinking, “Oh my gosh, this person gets it!! She’s not making me feel crazy or like I’m just trying to make excuses for myself.” Finally feeling heard, understood and accepted really set the tone for everything that came next.

Through my own coaching journey, I learned SO much more about myself. I came to see that my brain works differently than others. That does NOT mean that I’m flawed. It does NOT mean I’m lazy. And it does NOT mean I’m not capable of achieving the things I want to achieve.

I spent a lot of time looking back at past experiences and becoming aware of how ADHD played a huge role in the narrative I had created for myself. I knew deep down I was a good person, but I had really come to believe that something was “wrong” with me. That I always “messed it up” and was “lazy” and “unreliable.”

I now know NONE OF THAT IS TRUE. But it took a long time and a lot of work for me to believe that.

I began feeling like all I wanted to do was help others go through the same process I had been (and continue to go) through. That’s when I realized I wanted to be an ADHD coach. I strongly believe that having someone who truly understood what it’s like living with ADHD enabled me to shift how I was viewing myself and how I was approaching life.

And I want to be that person for you. I would absolutely LOVE the opportunity to support you as you begin to understand and embrace your uniquely ADHD brain.

Find out if ADHDwithEMILY coaching is right for you.