The Coaching Process

  • Understanding

    The symptoms of ADHD have likely made many things you’ve experienced in life feel more challenging for you. Learning more about ADHD and understanding the impacts it has had on your life is such an important part of the coaching process. As your coach, I will be able to provide information and resources to help you learn more about your brain.

  • Awareness

    As an adult with ADHD you may have often found yourself having thoughts such as “what’s wrong with me?” or “I’ll never get my act together!” Becoming aware of these thoughts is where so much of the coaching work resides. These negative thought patterns are likely playing a huge role in what is truly keeping you overwhelmed, stuck, and feeling like you have no control over your life.

  • Disrupt and Shift

    With a deeper understanding of and awareness around the challenges you have been facing, we can begin the process of disrupting what hasn’t been working in order to shift towards something that DOES work for you. We will do this by challenging the negative thoughts that have been holding you back while finding strategies that ACTUALLY feel helpful and allow you show up in the world the way you WANT to show up.

Find out if ADHDwithEMILY coaching is right for you.